Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So.. here I sit in the dark writing this new blog!!! I just got off the phone with my man. I miss him a lot and I can't get over how special he is to me. He has been such a huge blessing in my life and I thank God for him every single day. Also, I have had some great friendships over the years and I am especially thankful for Shauna. She's been a terrific friend and influence in my life. 

I have been applying for jobs left and right. But nothing really came up until yesterday. I think it was a God send because I was getting very frustrated and bored at that. I interviewed for the YMCA today and also got a call back from the school district saying that they would try and find something for me. Thank God!! Maybe I will have an option or two by the weekend.

Speaking of weekend, I am going to see my baby this weekend in Edmond, OK! I am so excited! only 2 sleeps! He is getting LASIK and I am going to take care of him :) I also get to see my best buds as well, which is great also! One thing I am excited for is to go to church at LifeChurch.tv! I've never been so excited to go to a church before but this church has very much blessed me in my walk with Christ. 

My two nephews are here from Arkansas. I had them for part of the day yesterday and one of them is a handful!!! He has gotten a huge attitude and it kills me!!! But I still love him and they mean the world to me. They are a lot of fun to have one week every month, I just wish they were in a better situation. Divorce sucks for everyone out there... try your hardest not to get in those situations. 

I have a pinched nerve in my right shoulder. It has been hurting me all day and my dad wasn't at his office today so I couldn't go get it fixed. So, I am just enjoying my painful day in hopes that tomorrow it'll get fixed!!! I feel like I am falling apart lately... first a quad then my knee again and now my stupid shoulder! I am only 22!!! Grrr!!!

Anyways, I am heading to the TV and then to bed I am sure. Hopefully tomorrow the job search progresses. Have a wonderful night. Love you baby!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ty, such an amazing nephew :)

Monday, December 29, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I've got a lil something up my sleeve...

So.. Here goes the first post...

I am sitting here listening to the thunder and the acorns fall from the tree onto our sunroom roof. I also hear the ducks quacking very loudly down at the lake. My mom is making heart shaped biscuits and sausage and just enjoying the morning because my sister spent the night last night with us. 

We had a movie and pizza night last night, just me, my sister, and my mom. We watched "The Women" while I fell asleep because I had already seen it and was tired. The funny thing is was that we had to watch the movie in black & white because we couldn't get it in color. Why? We have NO idea! My dad couldn't even fix it... who knows what the problem is.

So, today... I have a few things planned. Firstly, I need to eat breakfast and take a shower :) Secondly, I just have some things to do :) Thats for me to know and you to find out sometime...

Anyways, I guess this is just an intro to what is coming in my blog. OH! I am a TeamBeachBody coach now so please go check it out at:  www.teambeachbody.com   and look at the products! They are awesome! Have an awesome day! Be Blessed!!!